Monday, April 13, 2009

Pigeon Guillemot OregonCoast Canon

Given this photo was taken in Oregon late in the breeding season it is most likely Cepphus columba eureka, but the range between culmen length is not that great across the subspecies of Pigeon Guillemot and is reasonably estimated to be 35 mm. This fish is little more than 2 bill lengths or 7-8 cm. It is a great example of a sculpin, probably a Pacific Staghorn Sculpin, with the large head and rapidly tapering body. The sculpin is facing away from the viewer and the pectoral fins are the two things tapering away at 45 degree angles. These fins commonly are erected away from the body. If the fish were facing us it would have a bright white belly and often the mouth is agape. Scuplin often start producing slime that drips from the body if they are carried very long before consumption.

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