Monday, April 13, 2009

Pigeon Guillemot in BC with belly up sculpin

Pigeon Guillemot, originally uploaded by Ralph Hocken.

In this photo the key field mark of the pale contrasting belly of sculpin in very clear. The head is under water, but the the body shape and fins are all arranged in formation to be one of the sculpin species that has a clear space on the penducle between the 2nd dorsal fin and the caudal (tail) fin. The fins are all erect and flared as the fish is very alive and struggling. These would start to collapse usually following death of the fish. Note the lateral line is conspicuous enough to see running low along the pale side. The pectoral fins are flared out and pink gills are viewable under the operculum. This is usually the only red color seen on sculpin as they don't bleed even when skin is ripped away (typically on the penducle). Fish size is probably 7-8 cm.

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